Our Story
At a very young age I developed a passion for baking delicious treats. I guess you could say I was influenced by my mother. I was intrigued watching her at home as she baked desserts for the family. Before long I was no longer an observer, but I soon became her assistant, and eventually baking on my very own. That lead to me following in her footsteps and going into the baking and dessert making industry.
From there my enjoyment and love for making delicious desserts for people continued to grow. From parfaits, to cakes, to cookies, and trying new creations. Doing so truly inspired me to be more creative with designs and styles when it comes to dessert making. You could say I was like a “Diva” when it came to “Delicious” treats.
Eventually I thought to myself, how can I share my creative side with others besides just making tasty treats? So I said, hey why not provide the tools necessary to help others be creative as well and help them bring out their inner dessert baker! So I opened The Dessert Depot. A place where you can find baking items to help you make creations of your own. From cookie cutters, decorative coloring, sprinkles, you name it. Even wearables so you can look the part while you bake! So I want thank you for allowing Dessert Depot to be part of your world by providing all your imaginable dessert baking needs!